Eagle Clinical Expert Update Podcast for Healthcare Practitioners

Episode 7: Building an Online Presence

In our latest series on Prioritising Website Design & Branding, we interview  Shonelle Siegmann. She is a Website Designer and qualified Naturopath, and runs a business called ‘Tech for Pracs’ which focuses on website design and branding for natural healthcare practitioners. 

As a qualified naturopath and design expert, Shonelle is able to effectively communicate with likeminded natural health practitioners to bring to life their brand and vision. 

In this episode Shonelle covers

  • The importance of building an online presence and it's role in building a brand
  • The role of branding
  • What is SEO
  • Why she considers Social Media as "rented space"

Additional Resources

  • Shonelle's Clinic Website for design ideas and best practice https://shonellesiegmann.com/ 
  • Tech for Pracs for ideas and support on website design and branding https://www.techforpracs.com.au/